Rules and Constitution of The British Belgian Bantam Club updated 20th November 2015
Updated 20 November 2015 Page 1
Rules and Constitution of the BRITISH BELGIAN BANTAM CLUB
Adopted at a General Meeting held at Stoneleigh on 20th November 2011.
Club Name
1 The name of the Club is THE BRITISH BELGIAN BANTAM CLUB.
Club Purposes
2 The purposes of the Club are:
a) to encourage the breeding, exhibition and judging of Belgian Bantams to the Standards of Excellence laid down by the British Belgian Bantam Club and published by the Poultry Club of Great Britain in British Poultry Standards;
b) to advance and protect the interests of Belgian Bantam breeders.
Permitted means of advancing the Purposes
3 The Committee has the power to:
a) raise funds by appeals, subscriptions, loans and charges;
b) borrow money and give security for the same, and open bank accounts;
c) make grants and loans and give guarantees and provide other benefits;
d) set aside funds for special purposes or as reserves;
e) invest funds in any lawful manner;
f) co-operate with or affiliate to firstly any bodies regulating or organising the Fancy and secondly any club or body involved with it and thirdly with government and related agencies; g) do all other things reasonably necessary to advance the purposes.
4 None of the powers of the Committee may be used other than to advance the purposes consistently with these Rules and the general law.
5 The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of Members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules and all surplus income or profits are reinvested in the Club.
6 The Club may also in connection with the purposes of the Club:
a) sell and supply food, drink and related merchandise;
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b) provide reasonable hospitality for Judges appointed by the Club;
c) indemnify the Committee and Members acting properly in the course of the running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club (but only to the extent of its assets).
7 Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the Fancy on application. The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or Fancy into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the Members.
8 Every Member shall register their contact address with the Secretary.
a) The Secretary shall maintain a Register of Members with their contact address and such other relevant information as the Member may provide to the Secretary from time to time.
b) Any Member who cannot be contacted through their registered address shall be removed from the Register of Members.
c) The Club may from time to time publish a Breeders List containing contact and other relevant information provided by those Members registering willingness to appear in the list, but only for the benefit of other Members.
d) Non-members enquiring for stock may be provided with relevant telephone numbers and email addresses published in the Breeders List.
9 Every Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of an amount to be set by the Members in General Meeting.
a) The Club shall keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
b) Annual Subscriptions shall be due on the first day of NOVEMBER in every year, and may be paid in advance free of balancing payment should an increase subsequently be agreed.
c) Subscriptions shall not be refunded in any circumstances.
d) For every subscription the Secretary shall write a dated receipt including the Member’s name, the amount paid and the expiry date, and the expiry date shall be recorded in the Register.
e) Members whose current year’s Subscription has not been paid by the last day of FEBRUARY shall be removed from the Register of Members.
f) Lapsed Members wishing to rejoin in the SECOND YEAR since the expiry of their Membership shall be required to pay for the intervening year as well as the current year.
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10 The Club shall have different categories of Membership and subscription as set out in this Rule:
a) There shall be a category of FULL MEMBERSHIP wherein each member may include any number of persons with one contact address. A Full Member shall count as one in all matters including voting, payment of subscription, entering exhibits, receiving awards and receiving newsletters. Full Members are not eligible for Juvenile awards.
b) There shall be a category of JUVENILE MEMBERSHIP wherein each member may include any number of persons up to and including 16 YEARS of age with one contact address. A Juvenile Member shall count as one as for Full Membership except that each person may enter exhibits and receive awards including Juvenile awards in their own name. Juvenile members are not entitled to vote.
c) There shall be a category of OVERSEAS (post) and OVERSEAS(email) for persons living outside the UK
d) There shall be a category of HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP being persons deemed by the Club to be worthy through services to the Club in particular or to the Fancy in general. An Honorary Life Member shall be entitled to the privileges of Full Membership and is not liable to pay any subscriptions. Honorary Life Members shall be elected by the Members in General Meeting on recommendation of the Committee and such Membership is for life and cannot be transferred.
e) Notwithstanding the above, persons who subscribed as Life Members of the Club before 20 November 2011 shall be entitled to the privileges of Full Membership and are not liable to pay any subscriptions. Such Membership is for life and cannot be transferred.
f) The list of Life Members shall be reviewed by the Committee at a period not to exceed FIVE YEARS.
11 A copy of the Rules and Constitution of the Club shall be supplied to any Member on request.
General Meetings
12 The Club shall each year hold a general meeting as its ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING in addition to any other meetings in that year, and shall specify the meeting as such in the notices calling it; and not more than 15 MONTHS shall elapse between the date of one Annual General Meeting of the Club and that of the next. The date of each Annual General Meeting shall be determined by the Members at the immediately preceding Annual
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General Meeting. The Committee shall fix the time and venue of each Annual General Meeting and in exceptional circumstances only may change the date. All general meetings other than Annual General Meetings shall be called EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS.
13 The Committee may, whenever it thinks fit, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, and Extraordinary General Meetings shall also be convened on the requisition made in writing by any 15 OR MORE Members and delivered to the Secretary, or, in default, may be convened by such requisitionists themselves. Any requisition made by Members shall state the object of the meeting and the terms of any special or extraordinary resolution to be proposed.
Notice of General Meetings
14 A General Meeting shall be called by at least 14 DAYS’ notice in writing. The notice shall specify the place, the day and the hour of meeting and, in the case of special business, the general nature of that business and shall be sent to the registered address of each Member provided that a meeting shall notwithstanding that it is called by shorter notice than that specified in this Rule be deemed to have been duly called if it is so agreed by all Members entitled to attend and vote.
15 The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by, any person entitled to receive notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at that meeting.
Proceedings at General Meetings
16 All Members may attend all General Meetings of the Club.
17 The quorum for all General Meetings is TEN Members present. No business can be transacted if a quorum is not present.
18 The Chairman or (in his absence) another person chosen at the meeting shall preside.
19 The person presiding shall not have a casting vote (but may have an original vote).
20 Except as otherwise provided in these Rules every resolution shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast on a show of hands of Members present.
21 The following business shall be transacted at the Annual General Meeting each year:
a) to receive and if approved to adopt an audited full and detailed statement of the Club’s accounts to the end of the previous financial year;
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b) to elect an Honorary President and not less than FIVE and not more than ELEVEN Members to serve as the Committee and to appoint there from the key Honorary Officers including but not limited to the CHAIRMAN, SECRETARY and TREASURER;
c) to appoint an HONORARY AUDITOR;
d) to set the Annual Subscription Rates for the coming year;
e) to set the schedule of Area and Regional shows for the next season;
f) to appoint Judges for the next season;
g) to set the date of the next Annual General Meeting;
h) only such other business (whether about policy or to change these Rules) as shall have been communicated to the Secretary in time to be included in the notice of the Meeting by him to the Members.
The Committee
22 Subject to these Rules the Committee shall have responsibility for the management of the Club, its funds, property and affairs.
23 All Committee Members resign at each Annual General Meeting but may be re-elected or re-co-opted without limit.
24 A Committee Member ceases to be such if he ceases to be a Member of the Club, resigns by written notice, or is removed by the Committee for good cause after the Member concerned has been given the chance of putting his case to the Committee, or is removed by Club Members at a General Meeting. The Committee shall fairly decide time limits and formalities for these steps.
25 The Committee may co-opt a Member to fill any casual vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
Committee Meetings
26 The Committee may decide its own way of operating. Unless it otherwise resolves the following rules apply:
a) at least three Committee Members must be present for the meeting to be valid;
b) committee meetings shall be held face to face;
c) the Chairman or whoever else those present choose shall preside;
d) decisions shall be by majority of those voting;
e) the person presiding shall not have a casting vote;
f) a resolution in writing signed by every Committee Member shall be valid without a meeting.
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27 The Committee may delegate any of its functions to Members as it thinks fit including but not limited to Area Representatives, Show Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Trophy Steward and Points Enumerator but must specify:
a) the scope of such Officers’ activity and powers;
b) the extent to which they can commit the funds of the Club;
c) their duty to report back to the Committee.
28 The Committee may withdraw any such delegation at any time or change its terms.
29 Annual statements of account must be made available for inspection by any Member.
30 All Club records may be inspected by any Committee Member.
Standards of Excellence
31 The Club exclusively shall delineate the British Standards of Excellence for the BARBU D’ANVERS, BARBU D’UCCLE, BARBU DE WATERMAEL, BARBU DE GRUBBE, BARBU D’EVERBERG & BARBU DE BOITSFORT Varieties of True Bantam, including their colours and the scale of points for judging.
a) The above Varieties of True Bantam collectively are the BELGIAN BANTAMS.
b) Any proposed amendment to or addition of any Standard of Excellence shall firstly be approved by the Members in General Meeting and shall then be put to a Secret Ballot of all Members.
c) Upon the approval of not less than THREE-QUARTERS of the Members voting in the ballot, the Secretary shall forward the proposal to the Council of the Poultry Club of Great Britain for incorporation into British Poultry Standards.
d) The decision of the Council of the Poultry Club shall be final.
32 A copy of the Club’s Standards of Excellence shall be supplied to each Member upon joining the Club.
Shows and Awards
33 In these Rules a Show shall be any show or exhibition held under the rules of the Poultry Club of Great Britain and arranged by the Poultry Club or by any body affiliated to it.
34 A Judge appointed by the Club shall be a Member of the Club or from a list of Judges approved by the club. Only members of the club can judge at the Club Show.
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35 A Judge appointed by the Club is expected to forward a report of the Belgian Bantam exhibits in a timely manner to the Newsletter Editor.
Regional Shows and the Club Show
36 The Club shall offer Rosettes of THREE TIERS for awarding to Belgian Bantam exhibits at Regional Shows.
a) The schedule of Regional Shows shall be determined by the Members in General Meeting.
b) The Club shall endeavour to hold five Regional Shows in any year, one of which shall be the CLUB SHOW chosen by Secret Ballot of all Members.
c) The Club Show venue chosen by the Secret Ballot shall stand for THREE YEARS and thereafter until changed by a subsequent Secret Ballot called by a majority of the Members in General Meeting. The Committee may change the Club Show venue in exceptional circumstances only.
d) The Club shall appoint the judge(s) of the Belgian Bantam classes.
Area Shows
37 The Club shall offer Rosettes of TWO TIERS for awarding to Belgian Bantam exhibits at Area Shows.
a) An Area Show should be expected to attract at least FORTY Belgian Bantam exhibits.
b) The schedule of Area Shows shall be determined by the Members in General Meeting.
c) The Club shall endeavour to hold not less than six Area Shows in any year.
d) The Club may nominate a Member to judge the Belgian Bantam classes.
Special Vouchers
38 The Club shall offer a Special Voucher to be awarded to the exhibit judged Best Belgian Bantam at any Show holding FOUR or more classes of Belgian Bantam.
a) A qualifying Show secretary may request the Voucher in advance by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the Club Secretary.
b) Paid-up Members may exchange the Voucher for a SPECIAL ROSETTE upon application to the Club Secretary, or collect TEN Vouchers and exchange them for a PLAQUE.
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Perpetual Trophies
39 All Perpetual Trophies awarded by or in the hands of the Club are the property of the Club. a) Perpetual Trophies shall only be awarded to Members whose subscriptions are fully paid-up and who have been a Member of the Club for at least TWELVE WEEKS.
b) Perpetual Trophies are loaned to Members on the strict condition that each is returned in good and clean condition to the Trophy Steward at the Member’s expense at or before the next award of the trophy.
c) Members shall be liable to defray the cost of repair to, or replacement of, any Perpetual Trophy damaged or lost whilst in their possession.
Novice Trophies
40 Exhibitors who have previously won a Salver, Points Trophy or Novice Trophy at a Club Show in one Variety are not eligible for the Novice Trophy for that same Variety.
Points Trophies
41 Points Trophies are awarded at the Club Show to the Member with the most points earned in the PREVIOUS YEAR ending 31 December.
a) Points may be earned at any THREE of the Regional Shows and any ONE of the Area Shows (or any TWO Area Shows if officiating as a judge at a Regional Show).
b) Seven or more birds present in a class: 7 points to the winner, then 6 points to 2nd place, down to 1 point to 7th place. If there are, say, only three birds present in a class the winner receives just 3 points, and so forth. Where birds are only placed down to 3rd or 4th, the placed birds still get points based on the birds present but the unplaced birds get no points. Only THREE of a Member’s birds at any one Show qualify for points, so the maximum points a Member may earn are 21 per Show.
42 These Rules may be amended at a properly convened General Meeting by TWO-THIRDS of the votes cast but not to alter the purposes unless to windup the Club.
Winding-up the Club
43 The Members may vote to wind-up the Club if not less than THREEQUARTERS of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened General Meeting.
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44 The Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding-up of the Club’s affairs. 45 If there remains, after the satisfaction of all the Club’s debts and liabilities, any surplus whatever the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members but shall be given or transferred to some other body having objects similar to the objects of the Club or to another body the objects of which are charitable.
Updated 20 November 2015 Page 1
Rules and Constitution of the BRITISH BELGIAN BANTAM CLUB
Adopted at a General Meeting held at Stoneleigh on 20th November 2011.
Club Name
1 The name of the Club is THE BRITISH BELGIAN BANTAM CLUB.
Club Purposes
2 The purposes of the Club are:
a) to encourage the breeding, exhibition and judging of Belgian Bantams to the Standards of Excellence laid down by the British Belgian Bantam Club and published by the Poultry Club of Great Britain in British Poultry Standards;
b) to advance and protect the interests of Belgian Bantam breeders.
Permitted means of advancing the Purposes
3 The Committee has the power to:
a) raise funds by appeals, subscriptions, loans and charges;
b) borrow money and give security for the same, and open bank accounts;
c) make grants and loans and give guarantees and provide other benefits;
d) set aside funds for special purposes or as reserves;
e) invest funds in any lawful manner;
f) co-operate with or affiliate to firstly any bodies regulating or organising the Fancy and secondly any club or body involved with it and thirdly with government and related agencies; g) do all other things reasonably necessary to advance the purposes.
4 None of the powers of the Committee may be used other than to advance the purposes consistently with these Rules and the general law.
5 The property and funds of the Club cannot be used for the direct or indirect private benefit of Members other than as reasonably allowed by the Rules and all surplus income or profits are reinvested in the Club.
6 The Club may also in connection with the purposes of the Club:
a) sell and supply food, drink and related merchandise;
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b) provide reasonable hospitality for Judges appointed by the Club;
c) indemnify the Committee and Members acting properly in the course of the running of the Club against any liability incurred in the proper running of the Club (but only to the extent of its assets).
7 Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the Fancy on application. The Club Committee may refuse membership, or remove it, only for good cause such as conduct or character likely to bring the Club or Fancy into disrepute. Appeal against refusal or removal may be made to the Members.
8 Every Member shall register their contact address with the Secretary.
a) The Secretary shall maintain a Register of Members with their contact address and such other relevant information as the Member may provide to the Secretary from time to time.
b) Any Member who cannot be contacted through their registered address shall be removed from the Register of Members.
c) The Club may from time to time publish a Breeders List containing contact and other relevant information provided by those Members registering willingness to appear in the list, but only for the benefit of other Members.
d) Non-members enquiring for stock may be provided with relevant telephone numbers and email addresses published in the Breeders List.
9 Every Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of an amount to be set by the Members in General Meeting.
a) The Club shall keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
b) Annual Subscriptions shall be due on the first day of NOVEMBER in every year, and may be paid in advance free of balancing payment should an increase subsequently be agreed.
c) Subscriptions shall not be refunded in any circumstances.
d) For every subscription the Secretary shall write a dated receipt including the Member’s name, the amount paid and the expiry date, and the expiry date shall be recorded in the Register.
e) Members whose current year’s Subscription has not been paid by the last day of FEBRUARY shall be removed from the Register of Members.
f) Lapsed Members wishing to rejoin in the SECOND YEAR since the expiry of their Membership shall be required to pay for the intervening year as well as the current year.
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10 The Club shall have different categories of Membership and subscription as set out in this Rule:
a) There shall be a category of FULL MEMBERSHIP wherein each member may include any number of persons with one contact address. A Full Member shall count as one in all matters including voting, payment of subscription, entering exhibits, receiving awards and receiving newsletters. Full Members are not eligible for Juvenile awards.
b) There shall be a category of JUVENILE MEMBERSHIP wherein each member may include any number of persons up to and including 16 YEARS of age with one contact address. A Juvenile Member shall count as one as for Full Membership except that each person may enter exhibits and receive awards including Juvenile awards in their own name. Juvenile members are not entitled to vote.
c) There shall be a category of OVERSEAS (post) and OVERSEAS(email) for persons living outside the UK
d) There shall be a category of HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP being persons deemed by the Club to be worthy through services to the Club in particular or to the Fancy in general. An Honorary Life Member shall be entitled to the privileges of Full Membership and is not liable to pay any subscriptions. Honorary Life Members shall be elected by the Members in General Meeting on recommendation of the Committee and such Membership is for life and cannot be transferred.
e) Notwithstanding the above, persons who subscribed as Life Members of the Club before 20 November 2011 shall be entitled to the privileges of Full Membership and are not liable to pay any subscriptions. Such Membership is for life and cannot be transferred.
f) The list of Life Members shall be reviewed by the Committee at a period not to exceed FIVE YEARS.
11 A copy of the Rules and Constitution of the Club shall be supplied to any Member on request.
General Meetings
12 The Club shall each year hold a general meeting as its ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING in addition to any other meetings in that year, and shall specify the meeting as such in the notices calling it; and not more than 15 MONTHS shall elapse between the date of one Annual General Meeting of the Club and that of the next. The date of each Annual General Meeting shall be determined by the Members at the immediately preceding Annual
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General Meeting. The Committee shall fix the time and venue of each Annual General Meeting and in exceptional circumstances only may change the date. All general meetings other than Annual General Meetings shall be called EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS.
13 The Committee may, whenever it thinks fit, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting, and Extraordinary General Meetings shall also be convened on the requisition made in writing by any 15 OR MORE Members and delivered to the Secretary, or, in default, may be convened by such requisitionists themselves. Any requisition made by Members shall state the object of the meeting and the terms of any special or extraordinary resolution to be proposed.
Notice of General Meetings
14 A General Meeting shall be called by at least 14 DAYS’ notice in writing. The notice shall specify the place, the day and the hour of meeting and, in the case of special business, the general nature of that business and shall be sent to the registered address of each Member provided that a meeting shall notwithstanding that it is called by shorter notice than that specified in this Rule be deemed to have been duly called if it is so agreed by all Members entitled to attend and vote.
15 The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice of a meeting by, any person entitled to receive notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at that meeting.
Proceedings at General Meetings
16 All Members may attend all General Meetings of the Club.
17 The quorum for all General Meetings is TEN Members present. No business can be transacted if a quorum is not present.
18 The Chairman or (in his absence) another person chosen at the meeting shall preside.
19 The person presiding shall not have a casting vote (but may have an original vote).
20 Except as otherwise provided in these Rules every resolution shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast on a show of hands of Members present.
21 The following business shall be transacted at the Annual General Meeting each year:
a) to receive and if approved to adopt an audited full and detailed statement of the Club’s accounts to the end of the previous financial year;
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b) to elect an Honorary President and not less than FIVE and not more than ELEVEN Members to serve as the Committee and to appoint there from the key Honorary Officers including but not limited to the CHAIRMAN, SECRETARY and TREASURER;
c) to appoint an HONORARY AUDITOR;
d) to set the Annual Subscription Rates for the coming year;
e) to set the schedule of Area and Regional shows for the next season;
f) to appoint Judges for the next season;
g) to set the date of the next Annual General Meeting;
h) only such other business (whether about policy or to change these Rules) as shall have been communicated to the Secretary in time to be included in the notice of the Meeting by him to the Members.
The Committee
22 Subject to these Rules the Committee shall have responsibility for the management of the Club, its funds, property and affairs.
23 All Committee Members resign at each Annual General Meeting but may be re-elected or re-co-opted without limit.
24 A Committee Member ceases to be such if he ceases to be a Member of the Club, resigns by written notice, or is removed by the Committee for good cause after the Member concerned has been given the chance of putting his case to the Committee, or is removed by Club Members at a General Meeting. The Committee shall fairly decide time limits and formalities for these steps.
25 The Committee may co-opt a Member to fill any casual vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
Committee Meetings
26 The Committee may decide its own way of operating. Unless it otherwise resolves the following rules apply:
a) at least three Committee Members must be present for the meeting to be valid;
b) committee meetings shall be held face to face;
c) the Chairman or whoever else those present choose shall preside;
d) decisions shall be by majority of those voting;
e) the person presiding shall not have a casting vote;
f) a resolution in writing signed by every Committee Member shall be valid without a meeting.
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27 The Committee may delegate any of its functions to Members as it thinks fit including but not limited to Area Representatives, Show Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Trophy Steward and Points Enumerator but must specify:
a) the scope of such Officers’ activity and powers;
b) the extent to which they can commit the funds of the Club;
c) their duty to report back to the Committee.
28 The Committee may withdraw any such delegation at any time or change its terms.
29 Annual statements of account must be made available for inspection by any Member.
30 All Club records may be inspected by any Committee Member.
Standards of Excellence
31 The Club exclusively shall delineate the British Standards of Excellence for the BARBU D’ANVERS, BARBU D’UCCLE, BARBU DE WATERMAEL, BARBU DE GRUBBE, BARBU D’EVERBERG & BARBU DE BOITSFORT Varieties of True Bantam, including their colours and the scale of points for judging.
a) The above Varieties of True Bantam collectively are the BELGIAN BANTAMS.
b) Any proposed amendment to or addition of any Standard of Excellence shall firstly be approved by the Members in General Meeting and shall then be put to a Secret Ballot of all Members.
c) Upon the approval of not less than THREE-QUARTERS of the Members voting in the ballot, the Secretary shall forward the proposal to the Council of the Poultry Club of Great Britain for incorporation into British Poultry Standards.
d) The decision of the Council of the Poultry Club shall be final.
32 A copy of the Club’s Standards of Excellence shall be supplied to each Member upon joining the Club.
Shows and Awards
33 In these Rules a Show shall be any show or exhibition held under the rules of the Poultry Club of Great Britain and arranged by the Poultry Club or by any body affiliated to it.
34 A Judge appointed by the Club shall be a Member of the Club or from a list of Judges approved by the club. Only members of the club can judge at the Club Show.
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35 A Judge appointed by the Club is expected to forward a report of the Belgian Bantam exhibits in a timely manner to the Newsletter Editor.
Regional Shows and the Club Show
36 The Club shall offer Rosettes of THREE TIERS for awarding to Belgian Bantam exhibits at Regional Shows.
a) The schedule of Regional Shows shall be determined by the Members in General Meeting.
b) The Club shall endeavour to hold five Regional Shows in any year, one of which shall be the CLUB SHOW chosen by Secret Ballot of all Members.
c) The Club Show venue chosen by the Secret Ballot shall stand for THREE YEARS and thereafter until changed by a subsequent Secret Ballot called by a majority of the Members in General Meeting. The Committee may change the Club Show venue in exceptional circumstances only.
d) The Club shall appoint the judge(s) of the Belgian Bantam classes.
Area Shows
37 The Club shall offer Rosettes of TWO TIERS for awarding to Belgian Bantam exhibits at Area Shows.
a) An Area Show should be expected to attract at least FORTY Belgian Bantam exhibits.
b) The schedule of Area Shows shall be determined by the Members in General Meeting.
c) The Club shall endeavour to hold not less than six Area Shows in any year.
d) The Club may nominate a Member to judge the Belgian Bantam classes.
Special Vouchers
38 The Club shall offer a Special Voucher to be awarded to the exhibit judged Best Belgian Bantam at any Show holding FOUR or more classes of Belgian Bantam.
a) A qualifying Show secretary may request the Voucher in advance by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the Club Secretary.
b) Paid-up Members may exchange the Voucher for a SPECIAL ROSETTE upon application to the Club Secretary, or collect TEN Vouchers and exchange them for a PLAQUE.
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Perpetual Trophies
39 All Perpetual Trophies awarded by or in the hands of the Club are the property of the Club. a) Perpetual Trophies shall only be awarded to Members whose subscriptions are fully paid-up and who have been a Member of the Club for at least TWELVE WEEKS.
b) Perpetual Trophies are loaned to Members on the strict condition that each is returned in good and clean condition to the Trophy Steward at the Member’s expense at or before the next award of the trophy.
c) Members shall be liable to defray the cost of repair to, or replacement of, any Perpetual Trophy damaged or lost whilst in their possession.
Novice Trophies
40 Exhibitors who have previously won a Salver, Points Trophy or Novice Trophy at a Club Show in one Variety are not eligible for the Novice Trophy for that same Variety.
Points Trophies
41 Points Trophies are awarded at the Club Show to the Member with the most points earned in the PREVIOUS YEAR ending 31 December.
a) Points may be earned at any THREE of the Regional Shows and any ONE of the Area Shows (or any TWO Area Shows if officiating as a judge at a Regional Show).
b) Seven or more birds present in a class: 7 points to the winner, then 6 points to 2nd place, down to 1 point to 7th place. If there are, say, only three birds present in a class the winner receives just 3 points, and so forth. Where birds are only placed down to 3rd or 4th, the placed birds still get points based on the birds present but the unplaced birds get no points. Only THREE of a Member’s birds at any one Show qualify for points, so the maximum points a Member may earn are 21 per Show.
42 These Rules may be amended at a properly convened General Meeting by TWO-THIRDS of the votes cast but not to alter the purposes unless to windup the Club.
Winding-up the Club
43 The Members may vote to wind-up the Club if not less than THREEQUARTERS of those present and voting support that proposal at a properly convened General Meeting.
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44 The Committee will then be responsible for the orderly winding-up of the Club’s affairs. 45 If there remains, after the satisfaction of all the Club’s debts and liabilities, any surplus whatever the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members but shall be given or transferred to some other body having objects similar to the objects of the Club or to another body the objects of which are charitable.